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Pokemon Go Hack

Pokémon GO requires a mandatory sign-up but that can be very easy achieved in 2016. On Android devices you will use your Google Play Services account and on Apple devices your App Store account. Read More

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Pokemon Go Hack Cheats – Unlimited PokeCoins For smartphone users who love interacting with apps, there is a new app on the market. The Pokemon Go is the new game for kids in town developed by the Niantic Inc. This pseudo reality game involves the player going in an adventure to catch Pokemon. You are supposed to hunt the virtual “pokemon” on the smartphones to catch pets in real locations using the GPS and camera. The game involves getting to a variety of landmarks where you can get new items and will involve meeting up other players. Playing Pokemon GO therefore involves interacting between the real world and the virtual world of Pokemon. The use of real locations serves to encourage the players to explore further searching and discover the Pokemon in the real world. Read Further to find out how you can get free PokeCoins and Pokeballs with Pokemon Go Hack. Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Man carry a high explosive bomb nabbed at Davao checkpoint

Man with high quality of bomb nabbed at Davao checkpoint

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – A man carrying an improvised explosive device (IED) and other bomb paraphernalia was arrested at a checkpoint in Barangay Sirawan around 6 pm on Good Friday.

Task Force Davao Commander Colonel Cristobal Zaragoza identified the suspect as Roy "Steve" Bulat-Ag Moreno, 22, a resident of Sinsuat Street, Kidapawan City.

"He was riding a tricycle from Barangay Catigan. When he reached our checkpoint, he disembarked together with the van passengers. But when my personnel noticed his backpack, his attention was called. It was at this moment that the explosives were discovered," Zaragoza told Rappler.

Zaragoza said it was Private First Class Salman Guipacan who noticed the suspect walking through the passenger lane of the checkpoint with the backpack.

He added that during the investigation, Moreno had admitted that he was carrying the IEDs allegedly upon orders of the New People's Army (NPA).

"He admitted he was ordered by Commander Bobby of the New People's Army front 54, who ordered him to carry the backpack to Barangay Toril, then somebody would accompany him and deliver the IEDs to Barangay Tamayong," Zaragoza said.

Barangay Toril proper is just a kilometer away from the checkpoint.

Toril police are now preparing to file a complaint against Moreno for the illegal possession of explosives, and violation of the Omnibus Election Code.


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