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Pokemon Go Hack

Pokémon GO requires a mandatory sign-up but that can be very easy achieved in 2016. On Android devices you will use your Google Play Services account and on Apple devices your App Store account. Read More

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Pokemon Go Hack Cheats – Unlimited PokeCoins For smartphone users who love interacting with apps, there is a new app on the market. The Pokemon Go is the new game for kids in town developed by the Niantic Inc. This pseudo reality game involves the player going in an adventure to catch Pokemon. You are supposed to hunt the virtual “pokemon” on the smartphones to catch pets in real locations using the GPS and camera. The game involves getting to a variety of landmarks where you can get new items and will involve meeting up other players. Playing Pokemon GO therefore involves interacting between the real world and the virtual world of Pokemon. The use of real locations serves to encourage the players to explore further searching and discover the Pokemon in the real world. Read Further to find out how you can get free PokeCoins and Pokeballs with Pokemon Go Hack. Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How you can get “Legendary” pokemons in Pokemon Go

“Legendary” pokemons in Pokemon Go

Can you truly call yourself a real Pokemon Master if you haven’t got a few legendary Pokemon in your Pokedex? Every Pokemon player wishes to catch at least one legendary, but they seemingly are as rare in the Pokemon Go as they are in other traditional Pokemon games.

So, the question is, where are they? And what is going on? Most people tend to think that Pokemon GO is as simple as going about capturing only the well-known Pokemon.

However, lots of Pokemon exist out there most of which are so rare that Pokemon Go players would wish to do just about anything to have them. If you have trouble catching those rare monsters, here is a sure-fire way to help you catch them.

Have your trainer level raised

Though it’s hard to take, one of the most likely reasons as to why you keep getting low levels Pokemon is simply because you have low-level Pokemon basic skills as a trainer. The scarcity of the Pokemon you will encounter and the level of your basic Pokemon skills are always interconnected. This means that raising your basic Pokemon level quickly will automatically give you an upper hand in helping you to find the rare Pokemon.

Use common Poke-sense to catch Rarest Pokemons

Even though the likelihood of getting specific Pokemon are random, you are most likely to find given kinds of Pokemon in specific places as you play the game, and this will actually make more sense. You are most likely to get water Pokemon where there is water, land and mouse-like Pokemon in grassy locations, and, if well-prepared to explore in, you are most likely to find the psychic Pokemon where there are cemeteries.

Use crowdsourcing apps

If you want more help to catch the rare and legendary Pokemon, then why can’t you enlist other Pokemon trainer’s help? Already, there are map apps that can let Pokemon players to register where and what they have captured. Therefore, you can easily find a heads-up if it seems there are likely to be Pokemon hotspots anywhere near your location.

In addition, there may be other few shared maps you could select from, so far I propose Poké Radar and PearlShare as favorites. However, PearlShare has one issue, and this is the limited coverage it has where only New York, Brighton and London are covered. However, expect more cities to be added very soon.

Incubate your eggs before heading out

Always ensure that your eggs are incubated before you head out. Make sure that the 5km and 10km eggs are hatched as priority eggs. This is because the eggs are most likely to hold the rare legendary Pokemon that are not likely to be found necessarily found in your location.

Use incenses to attract Legendary Pokemons

The most important key for this trick to work is simply to take your position in the middle of nowhere. Observe the rule of first things first and clear your nearby list, something you can do by refreshing the app by restarting it.

To use incense, a player will have to tap the poke balls situated at the bottom of the screen first and then select the items and tap on incense, which is found on the top of Pokemon game’s menu. Subsequently, the swirling gas ball will start to float around the player’s avatar. A time at the top-right corner of the screen will basically inform you how long the incense will continue working. Important to note is that nearby Pokemon will be attracted as long as the incense is kept running.


The rare legendary Pokemon are known for their reputation of breaking out of the Poke balls even after you have reduced their HP to 1 and sending them to sleep.

You must save the Pokemon before fighting it because if killed, it will never be seen again.

You need to remember that Pokemon will always retain status and damaged conditions inflicted on them during the battle in case they flee and therefore you should bring your own Pokemon healing for an emergency. If you liked this article you can also read Pokemon go tips and tricks to get the most of this amazing game.


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